Love Your Pet Economy Nut Mix

Our Love Your Pet Economy Nut Mix is a price-friendly blend of whole,
broken, and split nuts designed to nourish and attract a variety of
garden wild birds. Packed with natural energy, this mix provides an
essential source of protein, healthy fats, and nutrients that help
sustain birds through all seasons.

Key Benefits:

Rich in Nutrients: Provides vital energy for wild birds, especially
during colder months or breeding seasons.

Encourages Variety: Attracts a wide range of garden favourites,
including blue tits, great tits, woodpeckers, and nuthatches.

Versatile Feeding Options: Ideal for use in wire mesh feeders or
placed on bird tables for easy access.

Promotes Natural Foraging: Broken and split nuts are perfect for
smaller birds, while larger pieces suit bigger species, offering food
for all.

Supports Local Wildlife: Regular feeding contributes to the well-being
of your local bird population, helping them thrive.

Feed the birds you love with Love Your Pet Economy Nut Mix and enjoy
the sight and sounds of vibrant wildlife right in your garden. Perfect
for nature lovers seeking an affordable way to support garden birds


